Elevate Your Sports Handicapping business with Our Premier Multi Handicapper Sports Monitor Platform. Turn your Handicapper members into profit with Our Innovative Handicapping Turnkey Website Solution! Use the Sports handicapper members to crowd-source your marketing efforts while reaping the benefits.…
How much can a handicapper make selling picks?
According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a sports book manager, which may include handicapping duties, is around $60,000 per year. Raise your hands if you’re selling more than 60k a year in picks in Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube!? Many…
We are back!
[Day 1] We have a new name, a new sports data feed, and a fresh look, along with even more features that handicappers can use for free to sell more picks. These updates are coming within days! We’ve been beta…
Sports bettors emails still the best way to sell more picks
Email marketing in the handicapping business is the best way to sell more picks, the #1 skill of a handicapper that is looking to be successful should be to learn to do some smart email marketing. Right now more than…
Get in on the money train with handicappreneurs.com and sell more picks this NFL season.
We are just finishing the Phase 3 changes on the website from the XML to JSON. It’s been a bigger job than what I first thought. We are still working out some bugs still on the lines not showing correctly,…
Better Sports Bettors Email Marketing for Handicappers.
[BETA TESTING] REACH MORE PICK BUYERS WITH BLASTO 55,000 All the marketers know HandicappingWebsites.com has the best email leads, but sending them and successfully landing in the inbox can be tricky business. So we made it simple for handicappers to…
We are just hours away from rollout of the next version of our sports monitor.
Looks like we have a working version of the monitor running. Some of the issues we are running into is the early lines in MLB, we had some new signups and got some feedback and cant wait to get this…
Make all the money add Paypal buttons on your Handicapper Record profile
Handicapper record has all the tools handicappers needs to make money now including the ability to add your own PayPal buttons to 2 packages on your profile and collect all the money. sign up today.
Betting record display widgets for websites and profiles
HandiCappreneurs has launched its first widget. Now handicappers can display their monitored betting record with a short code in your service admin area. See the example below, go login and get your now.
Get PROfiled on the Handicapper Record
Have your HandiCappreneurs service profiled on HandiCappreneurs websites, Benefits Get a one way backlink from trusted and established website in the sports HandiCappreneurs market. also get a free follow up article from our real HandiCappreneurs reviews Other profiles